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Brain of Brian - A humorous site containing comical quotes, entertaining games, funny philosophies, madlibs, top 10 lists, useless facts, freebies, and more.
Brain of Brian
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling,
tact, or fact are transmission errors.
Parts Of Brain

Logic (Funny Philosophies)
See the world according to Brian's logic. Find out the truth about Barney, Santa, and something you ingest daily that's deadly. Read philosophies from Seinfeld, Jack Handey, and more.

Reflexes (Humorous Games)
How good are your reflexes? Test them here, play some humorous games, or answer trivia questions. You may even win a prize!

Reading (Comical Quotes)
Brian has many great quotes stored in his brain, ranging from topics like life to computers to Dan Quayle. Brian's favorite one, of course, is that REALLY funny one that goes "When I think of the past it brings..." Well, I wouldn't want to give it away now, would I?

Giving (Silly Postcards)
Friendship, birthdays, just to say hi; there's always a reason to send a postcard! Therefore, Brian has created some silly caricatures, ranging from Spock to Forrest Gump, along with comical captions to send to your friends! Isn't he just so giving?

MT (Useless Facts)
What can be found in every episode of Seinfeld? How many insect legs are in an average chocolate bar? The answer to these questions and more can be found in the MT (emp-ty) part of the brain where Brian stores his useless facts.

Organization (Top 10 Lists)
This is the spot where Brian stores all his lists. Primarily Top 10 type lists. Although storing top 10 list isn't particularly useful, Brian does find them amusing -- especially the "Top 14 Interesting Things to do in a Public Bathroom" list.

Hearing (Madlibs)
"Huh? What? What did you say?" Sorry, but Brian's hearing hasn't been quite the same since a certain TP-ing incident. Find out, with these madlibs, what Brian thinks he hears.


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